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X Feed MuterMute users and keywords instantly

Quickly mute users, keywords and phrases from your X feed. This powerful and user-friendly Chrome extension allows you to quickly mute users, keywords, and phrases from your X feed, giving you full control over your social media experience.

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More About X Feed Muter

X Feed Muter: Customize Your X Experience


X Feed Muter is a Chrome extension that empowers users to tailor their X (formerly Twitter) feed by muting users, keywords, and phrases. This tool enhances social media experiences by allowing users to focus on content that matters most to them.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive muting of users, keywords, and phrases
  • Quick-action mute buttons for usernames and trending topics
  • Customizable filter lists for different purposes
  • Temporary muting with expiration dates
  • Regular updates for compatibility and new features
  • User-friendly interface with an intuitive dashboard
  • Seamless integration with X's interface
  • Privacy-focused design with local data storage

Use Cases

  • Avoiding spoilers for media content
  • Filtering out specific topics or discussions
  • Taking breaks from certain accounts or themes
  • Creating work-friendly, entertainment-focused, or news-oriented feeds
  • Enhancing productivity by reducing distractions


Free to use


Developed by Cody Bontecou Contact: [email protected] Phone: +62 822-6645-4048