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FoundityConnecting founders: database & resources hub for innovation

Foundity connects founders through a comprehensive database. Apply to join, filter peers by location and industry, and access free resources on startups and VC. AI integration for smarter connections is coming soon. Join the ultimate hub for founders.

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More About Foundity

Foundity: The Ultimate Platform for Startup Founders


Foundity is an all-in-one platform designed to empower startup founders. It offers a comprehensive database, learning resources, and networking opportunities to help entrepreneurs launch and grow their ventures.

Key Features

  • Global Founders Database
  • Educational Resources on VC, Funds, and Startups
  • Upcoming AI Integration
  • Semantic Search Capabilities
  • API Extraction Tools

Use Cases

  • Discover and connect with like-minded entrepreneurs
  • Access valuable insights on venture capital and funding
  • Stay informed about startup strategies and industry trends
  • Streamline decision-making processes with AI-driven insights


Foundity offers a subscription-based model. For detailed pricing information, visit the Pricing page on the website.


Foundity caters to startup founders, entrepreneurs, and aspiring business leaders across all industries and locations.

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