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ListKitClose your next deal with unlimited triple-verified leads

Build hyper-targeted B2B prospect lists without any manual verification - we'll Triple-Verify the leads for you. Filter your search based on industry, keyword, job title, location, and buying intent (NEW), and get your leads list within 10 minutes!

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More About ListKit

ListKit: Revolutionize Your Outbound Prospecting


ListKit is a powerful lead generation and outbound prospecting platform that provides triple-verified emails and direct dials for B2B sales and marketing professionals. With a database of over 500 million leads, ListKit enables users to efficiently conduct cold calls, send cold emails, and drive revenue growth.

Key Features

  • Triple-verified email and phone number data
  • Advanced filtering and targeting tools
  • Integrated email verification
  • Visual analytics and ICP insights
  • Seamless CRM and sales tool integrations
  • Credit-based pricing model with rollover credits

Use Cases

  • Build targeted lead lists for outbound campaigns
  • Conduct cold calling and email outreach at scale
  • Enrich existing contact databases
  • Identify and reach decision makers
  • Power account-based marketing initiatives


  • Starts at $97 per month
  • Credit-based system - pay only for verified contacts
  • Bulk discounts available on larger credit purchases
  • 30-day money back guarantee

For Teams

  • Collaborative features for sales and marketing teams
  • Shared lead lists and analytics
  • Centralized billing and user management
  • Priority support for enterprise customers

ListKit offers a 7-day free trial with 50 free leads to get started. Sign up today to transform your outbound prospecting efforts.