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ColdreachFind ready-to-buy leads + sound relevant with AI

Find who need your product right now, by spotting buying signals hidden in job posts, news, LinkedIn, and other public sources with AI, and suggests relevant messaging to stand out. Start booking 3x meetings without adding SDRs.

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More About Coldreach

Coldreach - Capture Custom Buying Signals and Sound Relevant


Coldreach leverages AI to conduct deep research on over 70 million accounts, identifying those in need of your product and providing insights to scale relevant outreach.

Key Features

  • Custom Buying Signals: Define important buying signals in natural language.
  • AI Insights: Highlights evidence and suggests the right messaging.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Get alerts in preferred channels like Slack or Email.
  • 100% Customizable: Customize data sources and AI research methods.
  • White-glove Onboarding: No setup required; we handle AI signal tracker setup.

Use Cases

  • Job Openings: Identify companies hiring specific roles.
  • News: Detect companies facing cybersecurity issues.
  • Company Website: Find companies with specific compliance certifications.
  • Job Descriptions: Spot companies mentioning relevant skills in job postings.
  • Employees: Track new hires with specific expertise.
  • Company LinkedIn Posts: Monitor companies attending relevant conferences.
  • Custom Signals: Curate your own buying signals.


Coldreach offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your business needs. Contact us for a custom quote and to learn more about our pricing options.


Coldreach is trusted by top sales teams to identify the best accounts and streamline outreach efforts. Our AI-driven insights save hours of manual research, making your team more efficient and effective.

Ready to book more meetings? Book a Demo with Coldreach today.