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TraceA time tracker that visualizes your app activity

Trace is a time-tracking app that helps you understand how you spend your time. It monitors your device activity and presents a color-coded & easy-to-digest timeline of your app usage.

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More About Trace

Trace - Understand How You Spend Your Time


Trace is a time tracker that helps you understand how you spend your time. Download for free and start optimizing your productivity.

Key Features

  • Built-in activity monitoring that tracks all your open apps
  • See a daily/monthly overview of your sessions
  • Visualize your app activity in a color-coded & easy-to-digest timeline

Use Cases

  • Track work hours and improve productivity
  • Monitor app usage to identify time-wasting activities
  • Generate reports for personal or professional use


Trace is available for free download. Contact us for more information on premium features and enterprise solutions.


Trace is designed to help individuals and teams understand their time usage better. For any questions, contact [email protected].