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SeekAllSearch across multiple platforms in one tab, even AI & YT

With SeekAll, searching across multiple platforms is as easy as a single click. Whether you're browsing for fun or working on a project, you'll get comprehensive results instantly. Supported AI Search Engines: Perplexity, ThinkAny, Devv, and more.

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More About SeekAll

SeekAll - One Click, Seek All Results for You


SeekAll revolutionizes the way you search the web by providing comprehensive results from multiple platforms with just a single click. Whether for casual browsing or intensive research, SeekAll ensures you get the most relevant information instantly.

Key Features

  • Multi-Engine Search: Enter your query once and receive results from various search engines simultaneously, saving you time and effort.
  • Customizable Search Engines: Personalize your search experience by adding, removing, and organizing your preferred search engines into categories.
  • Efficient Tab Management: Manage multiple open tabs and tab groups easily with vertical tab management in the sidebar.
  • Flexible Search Options: Choose to open search results in a new window or tab, and customize your experience with follow-up queries or default tab replacements.

Use Cases

  • Academic Research: Quickly gather information from multiple sources for your research papers.
  • Market Analysis: Compare data from different search engines to get a comprehensive market overview.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Track trends and updates across various social media platforms.
  • General Browsing: Simplify your everyday browsing by accessing all your favorite search engines in one place.


SeekAll offers a free version with essential features. For advanced functionalities and customization options, premium plans are available at competitive rates.


SeekAll is developed by a dedicated team focused on enhancing your search experience. With a commitment to privacy and efficiency, the team continuously updates the tool to meet user needs and incorporate the latest technological advancements.