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Syncly (YC W23)Spot weak links in user journey, prevent churn

Get real-time product and operations insights from daily customer feedback across various channels. Syncly AI offers actionable insights, providing full visibility throughout user journey so you can take proactive actions before customers churn.

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More About Syncly (YC W23)

Syncly – Surface Real Customer Pains from Everyday Customer Communication


Syncly centralizes all customer feedback, instantly categorizing and revealing the underlying drivers of negative customer experiences across the user journey to minimize churn.

Key Features

  • AI-powered Insights: Automatically categorize customer issues across chats, emails, reviews, calls, and surveys.
  • Dynamic Sentiment Analysis: Identify negative sentiment changes and take proactive actions to prevent churn.
  • Search AI: Get answers to all your customer-related questions in seconds.
  • Reporting Simplified: Customize dashboards, monitor trends, and share visualized customer insights to align teams quickly.
  • One-click Integration: Integrate your favorite tools with a single click to establish a single source of truth for all customer touchpoints.

Use Cases

  • Customer Support: Automatically tag and prioritize customer feedback to streamline support processes.
  • Product Development: Gain insights into customer pain points to inform product improvements.
  • Marketing: Monitor sentiment changes to adjust marketing strategies in real-time.
  • Sales: Identify and address customer concerns to improve conversion rates.
  • Operations: Align teams with shared insights to enhance overall operational efficiency.


Syncly offers a variety of pricing plans to suit different business needs. Sign up for a free trial or book a demo to explore the best plan for your organization.


Syncly is designed to help teams become true customer experts by providing actionable insights based on everyday customer interactions. Whether you're in customer support, product development, marketing, sales, or operations, Syncly empowers your team to take more informed actions and improve customer experiences.