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Insight PipelineLearn what people REALLY think about your product

Insight Pipeline is the easiest way to schedule research calls with your customers. Drop it on to your website and we'll automatically invite customers to book a research call with you. It seamlessly syncs with Google Calendar. Product teams love it.

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More About Insight Pipeline

Insight Pipeline – Automate Recruitment for Your Customer Research

Customer insights every week, starting today

Key Features

  • Invite users & customers to research calls from your website
  • Customizable scheduling to match your branding
  • Effortlessly schedule weekly customer conversations
  • Automatic scheduling
  • Unlimited research calls
  • Unlimited team members
  • On-site scheduler
  • Analytics
  • Most popular contact options (Google Meet, Phone, WhatsApp)
  • Page segmentation
  • User segmentation
  • Managed rewards

Use Cases

  • Product Discovery: Identify additional problems you can solve for your customers.
  • JTBD (Jobs to Be Done): Understand the job people are hiring your business for.
  • Usability Testing: Evaluate the user-friendliness of your latest products and features.
  • Market Research: Gain insights into how people perceive your brand and your competitors.


  • Free Trial: Start your 30-day free trial today.
  • Subscription Plans: Various pricing tiers to suit different business needs (details available on request).


Insight Pipeline is designed to make customer research an integral part of your company’s DNA. Automatically schedule customer research calls weekly to build and grow a better technology business. Segment users based on their profile and in-app activity to ensure conversations align with your research goals.