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EffieEffortless Writing, Endless Inspiration

Effie is your writing companion to unleash your creativity. With a simple interface, 1000+ inspirational prompts, and AI-powered templates, Effie helps you get into flow state effortlessly. Cross-device syncing keeps your ideas with you, even offline.

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More About Effie

Effie | Make Ideas Happen

Maximize your writing productivity. Your top choice for writing, outlining, mind-mapping, and AI assistance.

Key Features

  • Write Anywhere, Anytime: No device or location can hold you back. Capture every creative spark.
  • Immersive Creation: High-quality creation equals time multiplied by concentration. Enjoy a serene and disturbance-free writing atmosphere.
  • Arrange Logical Structure: Mind maps and outlines transform fragmented thoughts into clear structures.
  • Easy Output: Export to photo strips or diverse formats with one click. Enjoy a smooth journey from writing to sharing.
  • Effie AI: Your personal AI assistant makes writing more effortless by generating summaries, outlines, and more.

Use Cases

  • Device-Independent Writing: Use your preferred device—phone, tablet, or computer—with automatic cloud synchronization.
  • Location-Independent Writing: Work offline from anywhere, ensuring you capture every burst of inspiration.
  • Distraction-Free Writing: Minimalist design and Markdown syntax help you stay focused.
  • Organized Content Creation: Use outlines and mind maps to structure your thoughts and ideas.
  • Effortless Sharing: Convert and share files in various formats with ease.


Effie offers flexible pricing plans to suit different needs. Whether you're an individual writer or part of a team, find a plan that works for you. Contact us for detailed pricing information.


Effie is designed to support collaborative efforts, making it ideal for teams. Share ideas, organize content, and streamline your writing process with Effie's robust features. Join the Effie community and maximize your team's creative potential.