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DateReadyBeat rejections! Practice with AI, succeed in real life.

Practice real-life scenarios, get instant feedback, and level up your approach game. Whether prepping for a date or just honing your skills, it’s the fun way to turn anxiety into confidence.

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More About DateReady

DateReady: Your AI Wingman for Dating Success

Master the Art of Dating with DateReady

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Scenarios: Practice with realistic, AI-generated characters.
  • Diverse Situations: From workplace interactions to nightlife encounters.
  • Life System: Start with three lives; earn more as you progress.
  • Leaderboard: Compete with friends to become the ultimate charmer.
  • Custom Simulations: Create and practice your own date scenarios.

Use Cases

  • Workplace Interactions: Navigate professional settings with ease.
    • Example: "The Intern's Dilemma"
  • Chance Encounters: Turn random meetings into meaningful connections.
    • Example: "Running Help", "Code & Sunshine"
  • Nightlife Situations: Make a lasting impression in social settings.
    • Example: "Rome Nights", "Manhattan AfterParty"
  • Academic Settings: Approach new acquaintances with confidence.
    • Example: "School's First Glimpse"


  • Free Trial: Access basic features and a limited number of scenarios.
  • Premium Plan: Unlock all scenarios, custom simulations, and additional lives.


DateReady is developed by a team of experts in AI, psychology, and social dynamics. Our mission is to help you improve your dating skills and build meaningful connections with confidence.