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DailyWiseYour daily dose of wisdom from the best books

Unlock daily insights from top books. Get handpicked ideas and concise summaries from bestsellers across categories like self-improvement, business, psychology and many more. Expand your knowledge in minutes a day—personalized and inspiring content awaits!

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More About DailyWise

DailyWise - Unlock Your Full Potential


DailyWise delivers powerful insights from top books across various categories such as Productivity, Leadership, Personal Finance, Mindfulness, and more. Whether you're looking to boost your skills, develop better habits, or find new inspiration, DailyWise provides the best knowledge from world-renowned authors, all in one place.

Key Features

  • Insights from top books
  • Categories including Productivity, Leadership, Personal Finance, and Mindfulness
  • Daily updates with new content
  • User-friendly interface
  • Available on iPhone, iPod touch, and Mac

Use Cases

  • Enhance your productivity
  • Develop leadership skills
  • Improve personal finance management
  • Cultivate mindfulness and better habits
  • Continuous learning and self-improvement


DailyWise offers a free version with in-app purchases for premium features:

  • DailyWise Premium: €6.99/month
  • DailyWise Premium: €9.99/quarter
  • DailyWise Premium: €39.99/year


DailyWise is developed by Alejandro Dominguez, focusing on providing users with transformative knowledge from the world's top books. The app is designed to be accessible, engaging, and enjoyable, making self-improvement a seamless part of your daily routine.