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PlasticityNatural language processing APIs for developers.

Plasticity builds APIs that help developers create human-like natural language interfaces. We believe in a future where computers can actually understand language and communicate.

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More About Plasticity

Plasticity · Natural Language Processing APIs

Machines that comprehend language

Key Features

  • Sapien Language Engine: Extracts entities, relationships, and context from text.
  • Cortex Knowledge Graph: A graph of real-world concepts, people, places, and things that you can query in natural language.
  • Lingua Dialog Engine: Parses text for intent and slots, then provides a human-like natural language response.
  • Named Entity Recognition: Identifies entities with accompanying metadata.
  • Part-of-Speech Tagging: Analyzes complex sentences.
  • Open Information Extraction: Extracts nested subject-verb-object triples.
  • Syntax Dependency Parsing: Understands the syntactic structure of sentences.
  • Knowledge Graph: Contains over 240 million facts.
  • Multi-turn Conversations: Manages context for extended dialogues.

Use Cases

  • Government and Defense: Extract meaning from unstructured data, explore entities and relationships, uncover disinformation.
  • Companies and Teams: Parse text for product reviews, customer support, feedback categorization, and search improvement.
  • Developers and Applications: Add NLP capabilities to applications with easy-to-use JSON API.


Plasticity offers flexible pricing options tailored to your needs. Contact us for detailed pricing information and to request a demo.


Plasticity collaborates with teams of all sizes to customize NLP solutions for specific use cases. Whether you need cloud-based APIs or on-premise deployments, we provide the tools and support to integrate natural language processing into your workflow seamlessly.