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TenyksData-Centric Co-Pilot for Computer Vision Engineers

Tenyks (YC'S21) is a University of Cambridge spin-out inventing the intelligence that powers the AI revolution to protect the world from the Terminator. Imagine Snowflake for Vision, helping ML Engineers build better, safer models, in a faster and more efficient way. Specifically, our end-to-end platform is CV Engineers' Ultimate Productivity Tool to: 1. Automate Data Quality Detection: It streamlines the process of identifying and rectifying data quality issues, ensuring the integrity of your datasets. 2. Accelerate Data Curation: Our platform expedites the curation of similar images and objects, facilitating data collection and balancing. 3. Catalog Vast Datasets: With its flexibility, the platform allows you to efficiently index and catalogue extensive datasets. 4. Seamless CI/CD Integration: Tenyks effortlessly integrates with your CI/CD pipelines, reducing the risk of regressions and enhancing your development workflow. 5. Security & Scalability: Securely orchestrated in the cloud to foster seamless cross-team collaboration and scale to millions of images & hundred of millions of objects. The founders developed the technology (the result of 9 top-tier publications and a patented invention) during their PhD research in Safe & Explainable AI for Computer Vision.

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More About Tenyks

Tenyks: The Data-Centric Approach to Computer Vision

Accelerate Your Computer Vision Projects

Tenyks is the MLOps platform that helps computer vision teams get production-ready models 8x faster.

Key Features

  • Drag & Drop Integration: Host data privately in your enterprise cloud storage and load your datasets in minutes.
  • Failure Analysis: Detect, visualize, and correct data failures to train better models.
  • Model Comparison: Compare your model's performance and ship industry-grade models quickly.
  • Scenario Analysis: Compare model performance on user-defined data slices to control model evaluation.
  • Data Quality Analysis: Visualize, identify, and correct issues in your data.

Use Cases

  • Slice & Dice Data: Quickly find groups of images that match your criteria for better data management.
  • Data Balancing: Detect bias and improve model performance on under-represented classes.
  • Multi-modal Search: Quickly retrieve groups of images based on images, objects, and text.
  • Mine Edge Cases: Identify edge cases and outliers and refine datasets through intelligent sampling.
  • Enhance Data Quality: Identify incorrect, missing, and inconsistent annotations or poor images and quickly fix them.
  • Model Comparison: Head-to-head comparison across data slices, taking evaluation beyond accuracy.


Tenyks offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your needs. Contact us for a detailed quote and find the best plan for your team.


Tenyks is trusted by hundreds of ML engineers, Fortune Global 500 companies, and industry-leading partners. Our platform is designed to help teams ship great models faster than the competition, with a focus on speed, reliability, and data quality.