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DailyBotAI Assistant and Chat Add-ons for Work

DailyBot is a chat AI Assistant and Workflow Automation platform. It takes chat to a new level by providing automation and chat use-cases that are underserved by the current messaging platforms. It helps users get more things done within the chat to be more efficient and save time. The new generation lives in chat. Remote/hybrid teams use DailyBot to automate daily workflows like stand-ups, team check-ins, give kudos to teammates or even to create their own chat-automation for their back-office with no-code/low-code in an environment similar to Amazon Alexa. DailyBot offers numerous add-ons to make the work experience better. DailyBot provides a ChatGPT assistant and a unique AI Workflows tool. Users can build multi-step workflows that use AI to generate content, process information and run actions. DailyBot is cross platform and already available for Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Chat and Discord. Keywords: chatops chat-ops async nocode assistant workflow automation developer

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DailyBot | Team Visibility and Alignment for Modern Teams

Automate daily standups, retros, and more workflows with DailyBot. Keep everyone on the same page asynchronously with AI reports and team analytics.

Key Features

  • Daily Standups: Automate your daily standup meetings and keep your team informed.
  • Team Synergies: Enhance team collaboration and reduce unnecessary meetings.
  • In-Chat Productivity: Boost productivity with in-chat commands and workflows.
  • Team Recognition: Send kudos and celebrate team achievements.
  • Smart Reports: Receive AI-powered summaries of your team's activities.
  • Team Analytics: Track your team's activities across different tools and integrations.
  • Flag Blockers: Identify and resolve issues in real-time.
  • Recurring Updates: Customize the frequency of your reports.
  • Mood and Wellbeing: Conduct mental health check-ins and mood surveys.

Use Cases

  • Async Standups: Run daily stand-ups without the need for meetings.
  • Retrospectives: Conduct retrospectives to reflect on team progress.
  • Periodic Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins like 1:1s.
  • Mental Health Surveys: Understand team motivation and well-being.
  • Team Recognition: Foster a positive team culture with kudos and rewards.
  • ChatOps: Streamline operations with custom in-chat commands.


DailyBot offers flexible pricing plans to suit teams of all sizes. Start with a free plan and upgrade as your team grows. For detailed pricing information, visit our pricing page.


DailyBot is designed for modern teams looking to improve visibility and alignment. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, DailyBot helps you automate workflows, reduce meetings, and keep your team connected asynchronously. Our platform supports popular chat platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Chat, and Discord.

Sign up for free and onboard DailyBot in just a few clicks. Enhance your team's productivity and well-being with DailyBot today.