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dawnAnalytics for AI products.

Make meaning out of billions of tokens. Dawn is the analytics platform for AI products. We transform user requests and model outputs into metrics you'll actually care about.

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Dawn Analytics: Analytics for AI Products

Transform User Requests and Model Outputs into Actionable Metrics

Key Features

  • User Segmentation: Automatically group users by how they're using your app.
  • Content Moderation: Identify and remove harmful content.
  • Understanding Churn: See how requests (or responses) cause users to churn.
  • Flag Bad Responses: Find requests that are vague, don’t match the source language, or anything else.
  • Categorize Search Requests: Tag user requests and use categories in-app.
  • Track Any Use Case: Discover categories from unstructured data.

Use Cases

  • User Behavior Analysis: Understand how different segments of users interact with your app.
  • Content Safety: Ensure your platform remains safe by moderating harmful content.
  • Churn Prediction: Identify patterns that lead to user churn and take proactive measures.
  • Quality Control: Flag and address poor-quality responses from your AI models.
  • Search Optimization: Improve search functionality by categorizing user requests.
  • Data Categorization: Automatically discover and manage categories from raw data.


Dawn Analytics offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your needs. Contact us for a detailed quote and find the plan that best suits your business.


Dawn Analytics is designed to empower your team with visibility and control over data categorization. Our platform constantly improves its understanding of your data, ensuring your team can make informed decisions with ease. Integrate seamlessly with existing analytics tools like Snowflake, Mixpanel, Slack, and Amplitude, or call our API from anywhere, even within your app.