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HeliconeHow developers build AI applications

The open-source and powerful platform purpose-built for Generative AI that developers love. We provide a variety of features that enable developers to build the best AI products in the market - all with a simple integration that is only two lines of code. Features you'll love: Observability Gateway (caching, rate-limiting, prompt detection, key mapping, etc.) Data Collection (standard schema and easy ETL) Fine-Tuning Evaluations (prompt regression testing and experiments) Customer Portal (share Helicone dashboards with your users) Thousands of developers use Helicone today so they can focus on whats important - building their product. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions! Looking forward to building with you.

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More About Helicone

Helicone - LLM-Observability for Developers

The open-source platform for logging, monitoring, and debugging.

Key Features

  • Sub-millisecond latency impact
  • 100% log coverage
  • Industry-leading query times
  • Ready for real production workloads
  • 1,000 requests processed per second
  • 1.2 billion total requests logged
  • 99.99% uptime

Use Cases

  • Collect data, monitor performance, and improve your LLM-powered application over time
  • Monitoring and Analytics
  • Request Logs
  • Prompt Templates
  • Labels and Feedback
  • Caching
  • User Rate Limiting
  • Alerts
  • Key Vault
  • Exporting


Helicone offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your needs. Contact us for detailed pricing information and to find the best plan for your team.


Helicone makes it easy for companies to innovate faster and smarter, ensuring your team can stay ahead of the competition. Key features for teams include:

  • Experiments: Test prompt changes and analyze results with ease
  • Customer Portal: Share dashboards with your team and clients
  • Fine-Tuning: Collect feedback and improve model performance over time

Helicone is fully open-source, promoting transparency and community collaboration. Interested in deploying Helicone on-prem? Get in touch with us.