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AxoloImproving Developer Experience with Streamlined Code Reviews

Better Code Reviews, Less Hassle, All in Slack Axolo takes your team's code review practices to the next level, integrating seamlessly with Slack to deliver real-time notifications and natural discussions.

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Axolo | GitHub Slack Integration for Pull Requests

Never Wait for a Code Review Again

Axolo streamlines your code reviews with pull request channels, ensuring timely feedback and efficient collaboration.

Key Features

  • Daily Pull Request Reminders: Get notified about stale pull requests to ensure timely reviews.
  • CI/CD and GitHub Actions in Slack: Receive updates for branch conflicts, pull request checks, and deployments.
  • Pull Request Recap for Stand-ups: Organize daily PR recaps to keep your team informed and accountable.
  • Team-Specific Notifications: Get updates in team channels based on PR actions.
  • Customizable Notifications: Set time slots for notifications to stay focused and reduce distractions.

Use Cases

  • Development Teams: Improve PR review responsiveness and reduce merge delays.
  • Remote Teams: Enhance collaboration and communication in a fully remote setup.
  • Engineering Leaders: Maintain oversight of PR activities and ensure code quality.
  • QA Engineers: Streamline the review and merging process for better accountability.


Axolo offers flexible pricing plans to suit teams of all sizes. Sign up for free to get started and explore premium features as your team grows.


Axolo is designed for high-performing engineering teams, helping them to improve code quality, reduce context switching, and enhance collaboration. Loved by CTOs, VPs of Engineering, and developers, Axolo ensures that your team stays focused and productive.

Ready to dive in? Sign up for free and see all features.