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ventaFind and reach leads with buying intent in Europe

Venta finds leads with buying intent in Europe by tracking website visitors, online searches, news and other signals. You can qualify leads by asking our AI assistant questions and create hyper-personalized outreach in five languages based on their intent signals.

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More About venta

Venta - Your AI Co-worker for More Sales Pipeline


Venta is your AI-powered co-worker designed to enhance your sales pipeline by automatically finding, enriching, and contacting interested leads.

Key Features

  • Automated Lead Identification: Identifies website visitors and researches leads based on your Ideal Customer Profile.
  • Data Enrichment: Gathers any publicly available information to enrich and qualify your prospects.
  • Scalable Outreach: Analyzes social media profiles and company news to start relevant conversations with qualified prospects.
  • 24/7 Operation: Works around the clock to build your sales pipeline.
  • Seamless CRM Integration: Integrates effortlessly with your existing CRM system.
  • Quick Setup: Requires less than 1 hour for setup, enabling you to start sending emails the next day.
  • GDPR-Compliant: Ensures secure and GDPR-compliant data processing.
  • European Hosting: Utilizes Microsoft Azure Cloud services in European data centers.
  • Made in Germany: Developed and headquartered in Munich.

Use Cases

  • Sales Teams: Automate prospecting to focus on closing deals.
  • Marketing Teams: Enrich lead data for more targeted campaigns.
  • Business Development: Identify and qualify new business opportunities.
  • Customer Success: Track and engage with potential upsell opportunities.


Venta offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your business needs. Contact us for a customized quote and to learn more about our pricing options.


Venta was founded by Lucas and Stefan, who have been working together since 2018. With a background in AI startups and over 20 productive business applications, they created Venta to automate the manual work of researching and contacting leads, helping companies scale their sales efforts efficiently.