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NuMindCreate custom NLP models

NuMind is a tool for data scientists, data analysts, but also software engineers to create custom NLP models. For example, a recruiting company uses NuMind to find which job offers best match a given resume. Etienne (CEO) was head of Machine Learning at Wolfram Research, and Samuel (CTO) co-founded (8M users). NuMind originated from our own frustration when developing NLP models. Leveraging large language models similar to GPT-3, NuMind allows to complete NLP projects at least 10x faster than before. We launched a private beta August 2 and had 9 paying customers one month later.

United States of AmericaAmerica / CanadaRemotePartly Remote
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More About NuMind

NuMind - Solve Your Information Extraction Tasks


NuMind enables you to create high-quality, lightweight models tailored to your specific needs. Automate classification, entity recognition, structured extraction, and more with our advanced NLP solutions.

Key Features

  • 100% Privacy-Preserving: No third-party involvement
  • Up to 10,000x Cheaper Than GPT-4: Low inference cost
  • 10x Faster NLP Projects: Compared to usual ML
  • 100 Annotations to Reach GPT-4 Performance
  • 100% Model Ownership

Use Cases


  • Claim extraction and analysis
  • Expert report analysis
  • Regulatory compliance monitoring
  • Policy relevance check
  • Customer queries analysis
  • Fraud detection
  • Unified standard coding
  • Claim pre-population


  • EHR data extraction and analysis
  • Clinical treatment relevance check
  • Medical coding
  • Drug safety monitoring
  • Regulatory compliance monitoring
  • Mental health analysis and monitoring
  • Patient feedback sentiment analysis


NuMind offers competitive pricing tailored to your needs. Start for free and scale as your requirements grow. Contact us for detailed pricing information and custom solutions.


NuMind is powered by task-specific and domain-agnostic foundation models, outperforming industry standards like GPT-4. Our models include:

  • NuExtract for structured extraction
  • NuSentiment & NuToxic for classification
  • NuNER for entity recognition
  • NuNERZero for zero-shot entity recognition

Create your custom models to solve your information extraction tasks efficiently and effectively. Join our community on Discord or talk to us directly to get started.