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Arva AIAI agents to automate financial compliance

At Arva AI we automate the manual compliance checks that have to happen when a business signs up for a financial product, such as a business bank account. Currently, 30% of know your business (KYB) cases result in manual review work. With Arva's AI agents the whole end-to-end onboarding experience is automated, resulting in quicker, cheaper and more compliant low/medium risk reviews.

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Arva AI - AI Agents for Instant KYB Onboarding

Automate Your Manual KYB Work with AI

Key Features

  • Cheaper Operations: Reduce your operational costs by up to 80%.
  • Stronger Compliance: No human errors, fully auditable results.
  • Faster Resolution: Cases picked up instantly and resolved in seconds, not days.

Use Cases

  • Incorporation: Verify an entity from Articles of Incorporation or other proof methods.
  • Business Activities: Verify an entity's business activities from a website or other proof methods.
  • Operating Address: Verify an entity's operating address from bank statements, utility bills, or other proof methods.
  • Tax Identification: Verify an entity's Tax Identification Number (e.g., EIN, UTR) from a CP-575 letter or other proof documents.
  • Ownership Structure: Verify the full ownership structure of an entity.
  • Executive Team: Verify the executive team/directors of an entity.
  • Power of Attorney: Verify an entity's Power of Attorney from a notarized document.
  • Generate RFIs: Generate Requests for Information for mismatched or missing proofs.


Contact us for detailed pricing information tailored to your specific needs.


Arva AI's team is dedicated to providing faster, cheaper, and more compliant KYB solutions through advanced AI technology. Configure your procedure in our agent interface, integrate via API, and let Arva handle the rest.