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Village LabsHelping American businesses become employee owned

At Village Labs, we help American businesses become employee owned by helping them set up and manage an employee stock ownership plan, also known as an ESOP. With 2.9M Baby Boomer business owners set to retire in the coming years, there's a growing "Silver Tsunami" of businesses across America in search of new ownership. For many of these owners, selling to their employees is a socially-minded yet financially pragmatic solution. By selling ownership of their business to an ESOP, owners get a fair price, significant tax benefits, and the satisfaction of knowing their employees and legacy will be taken care of — things not guaranteed with traditional buyers like private equity. In turn, employees retain their jobs and get shares in the business that can help them create life changing wealth by the time they retire — imagine an office secretary retiring as a millionaire. Thousands of businesses across America like Bob's Red Mill, Harpoon Brewery, and Recology already have an ESOP, benefiting over 14 million workers and creating 2.1 trillion in employee wealth. We're excited about the opportunity to massively grow these numbers by making it simple for every business to become employee owned.

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More About Village Labs

Village Labs: Expanding Employee Ownership Across America

Transforming Businesses with Employee Ownership

Key Features

  • ESOP Setup and Management: Comprehensive services to help businesses transition to employee ownership through Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs).
  • Tailored Educational Resources: Customized learning materials to guide business owners and employees through the ESOP process.
  • Expert Guidance: Professional advice to ensure smooth ESOP transactions.
  • Repurchase Obligation Analysis: Advanced technology for accurate and easy repurchase obligation analysis, with customizable projections and scenarios.

Use Cases

  • For Business Owners: Simplify the process of selling your business to your employees, ensuring a smooth transition and continued success.
  • For Business Brokers: Offer clients the option to sell to their employees, providing an additional buyer option and facilitating ESOP transactions.
  • For ESOP Companies: Utilize our technology to make repurchase obligation analysis easier and more accurate, with robust projections and understandable explanations.


Village Labs offers customized pricing based on the specific needs and size of your business. Contact us to get a tailored quote that fits your requirements.


Village Labs is a Y Combinator company dedicated to expanding employee ownership across America. Our team is committed to transforming lives, businesses, and the national economy by providing exceptional services and technology for ESOPs. We work closely with business owners, brokers, and ESOP companies to ensure successful transitions and long-term benefits for all stakeholders.