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PylonModern B2B Customer Support over Slack, Teams, Email, In-App

Pylon is a modern alternative to Zendesk. Pylon helps B2B companies manage their customers across the different places they talk to them - shared Slack channels, Microsoft Teams, email, in-app chat, Slack communities, and more. Hundreds of fast-growing YC companies of all sizes like Mintlify, Hightouch, and Deel use Pylon to track customer conversations across slack/teams/email/in-app/community, resolve customer issues quickly, and keep customers engaged. Pylon replaces tools like Zendesk/Intercom for modern companies. Learn more: ------- Examples of specific capabilities include: Unify customer conversations across Slack, Microsoft Teams, In-App Chat, Email, and Community. Triage open issues, set SLAs, prioritize questions based on customer tier or other CRM data, connect questions with engineering work in Linear/Jira/Github, and measure metrics like response time and resolution rate. Broadcast product updates, upcoming events, or outages to 100s of channels at once and get live link click, reaction, and reply data.

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More About Pylon

Pylon - Modern Support System

A modern, powerful, and unified support system for B2B.

Key Features

  • Omnichannel support: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Email, In-App Chat, Ticket Portal, Slack Community, and more.
  • Analytics: Get insights into support metrics, request types, and workforce analytics.
  • Native Integrations: Deep bidirectional integrations with CRM, task tracker, escalation tool, and data warehouse with 1-click.
  • Views: Create personal and team views based on issue, customer, or CRM data. List View and Kanban supported.
  • Tags & Custom Fields: Label issues with structured custom fields or unstructured tags, set them to fill automatically using AI.
  • Triggers: Automate workflows, data entry, and response actions with triggers that activate based on issue conditions.
  • SLAs: Setup granular SLAs for first response, replies, and resolution using custom fields as conditions.
  • Assignment Rules: Route requests and distribute workload among your team with assignment rules and schedules.
  • API: Create issues programmatically, fetch data for custom in-house workflows, and more.

Use Cases

  • Manage customer support across multiple channels including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Email.
  • Automate support workflows and data entry to save time and improve efficiency.
  • Gain insights into support performance with detailed analytics and reporting.
  • Integrate seamlessly with existing tools like Salesforce, Hubspot, Jira, and more.
  • Scale support operations with customizable views, tags, and assignment rules.


Pylon offers flexible pricing plans tailored to the needs of growing businesses. Contact us for a detailed quote and to learn more about our pricing options.


Pylon is designed to support customer success teams by providing a unified platform for managing customer communications and support. Our team is dedicated to continuously improving the product and delivering new features to meet the evolving needs of our users.