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JamsocketRun compute-intensive apps in a browser

We are a platform for high-performance browser-based applications. We make it easier for developers to deploy apps that give every user a dedicated backend. This is a system design that apps like Figma and GitHub codespaces use, but it's currently difficult for others to replicate it. We make it as easy as deploying a traditional web server.

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More About Jamsocket

Jamsocket: Like Lambda, but for WebSockets

The Painless Session Backend Platform

Jamsocket is a serverless platform designed specifically for WebSockets, providing a seamless backend solution for real-time applications. It simplifies the process of managing server-side processes that handle real-time connections, ensuring efficient and reliable performance.

Key Features

  • Serverless Architecture: Similar to AWS Lambda, but optimized for WebSockets.
  • Session Backends: Handle real-time connections for one or more clients.
  • Automatic Termination: Backends automatically stop when all clients disconnect.
  • Language Agnostic: Run code in any language within isolated Linux processes.
  • Observability: Built-in tools for monitoring application logs, memory, and CPU usage.
  • Flexible Deployment: Choose between fully managed services or bring your own compute (BYOC).

Use Cases

  • Realtime Collaboration: Ideal for applications requiring real-time data synchronization, such as collaborative document editing.
  • AI Agents: Supports AI-driven applications that need to maintain persistent connections for data processing.
  • Data-Intensive Apps: Efficiently manage and process large datasets in real-time.


Fully Managed

  • Price: $60/month
  • Includes: 2x2GB VMs
  • Features: Quick setup, dedicated compute and memory, no backend limits or charges, Slack and email support.

BYOC (Bring Your Own Compute)

  • Price: $500/month + $4/GB/month of attached VM RAM
  • Features: Use your own AWS account, autoscale with EC2, Slack and email support.


  • Custom Pricing
  • Features: Enterprise-ready, integrate other AWS resources, SLA and priority support, multi-region support.


Jamsocket is built by a dedicated team focused on providing the best serverless backend solutions for real-time applications. The platform is designed to be easy to integrate, with comprehensive documentation and support to help teams get started quickly and efficiently. Whether you are a small startup or a large enterprise, Jamsocket offers scalable solutions to meet your needs.