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TravelBotYour AI travel companion and virtual agent.

TravelBot is an AI-driven tool designed to function as a travel companion and assistant. Its primary purpose is to assist in trip planning, serving as a virtual travel agent available for interaction via chat. Users can access the tool through sign-ins via Google or Apple accounts. In addition to providing assistance in travel planning, TravelBot ensures users stay informed and prepared for their travels through relevant prompts and updates. Its user-friendly interface simplifies travel planning, making it a tool suitable for users with various levels of tech-savviness. TravelBot offers a straightforward sign-in process and has a set of policies, including Privacy, Terms of Service, and Refund, ensuring secure use. However, specifics about these policies, as well as information about its pricing, should be checked on their respective links. Overall, TravelBot aims to leverage AI to streamline the often complex process of travel planning.

TravelBot screenshot