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AI for NewsGenerate AI-powered news from custom keywords and sources.

AI for News is a sophisticated tool designed to generate news content based on specific keywords. It is intuitive and allows users to input custom search parameters such as the period for the news search and preferred news sources, which include Google News, YouTube, and Reddit. Users are also provided the option to select an output language and a language model like Gemini, ChatGPT, or Claude. Once these selections and input have been made, the system is capable of generating news articles. These articles are precise and targeted as the system is designed to search for and retrieve news content based on the users' specific requests. To illustrate, the tool is able to generate a well-summarized news report on Bitcoin by tracking relevant information from the specified sources within a given period. The tool is versatile, efficient, and effective in generating tailored news content for individuals and organizations based on their unique requirements and preferences.

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