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ChartAICustomise charts from screenshots instantly.

ChartAI is an AI-powered tool designed to extract, build, and customize charts from images effectively. It allows users to adjust the charts to align with their brand's style, translate or edit text, modify data, and switch chart types, all within a relatively short timeframe. The utility of ChartAI extends to the modification of bar charts from screenshots. The process is straightforward and works in three stages. First, users upload an image of their chart, upon which ChartAI leverages visual recognition technology to extract the underlying data. It is, however, recommended for users to thoroughly check the extracted results, given the potential for automation errors.Following the data extraction, ChartAI converts the extracted information into code, which is used to recreate the chart, maintaining accuracy while allowing for seamless modifications.Thirdly, users have the opportunity to edit the chart as per their requirements. Alterations can be undertaken directly, and ChartAI action the changes swiftly.For newcomers or those wishing to preview the functionality, provision is made for a sample chart for testing purposes. This offers a glimpse into the capabilities of ChartAI before any commitment.

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