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Helicone AIOpen-source LLM Observability for Developers

The LLM observability platform for monitoring, debugging and improving your AI apps. Helicone is an open-source observability platform that provides a 1-line integration to access cost tracking, agent tracing, prompt management and more - get started for free.

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More About Helicone AI

Helicone - LLM-Observability for Developers

The open-source platform for logging, monitoring, and debugging.

Key Features

  • Sub-millisecond latency impact
  • 100% log coverage
  • Industry-leading query times
  • Ready for production-level workloads
  • 1,000 requests processed per second
  • 1.2 billion total requests logged
  • 99.99% uptime

Use Cases

  • Send requests in seconds
  • Filter, segment, and analyze your requests
  • Get detailed metrics such as latency, cost, and time to first tokens
  • Access features such as prompt versioning, prompt testing, and prompt templates
  • Evaluate the outputs of your new prompt without impacting production data
  • Label and segment your requests
  • Save costs by caching your requests
  • Remove certain requests from your logs
  • Get insights into your users' usage
  • Collect feedback from your users on LLM responses
  • Score your requests and experiments
  • Use any provider as a fallback via Helicone Gateway
  • Auto retries on failed requests
  • Easily rate limit your users
  • Manage and distribute your API keys securely
  • Moderate your users' calls for safety and prompt injection


Helicone offers a range of pricing options to suit different needs, from free trials to enterprise-level solutions. Contact us for a demo and detailed pricing information.


Helicone is proudly open-source, valuing transparency and the power of community. Join our community on Discord, contribute to our project, and deploy on-prem with our production-ready HELM chart for maximum security. Our team is dedicated to providing scalable and reliable solutions, ensuring you get to production-quality faster.