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OpenlitOne click observability & evals for LLMs & GPUs

OpenLIT is an open-source LLM and GPU observability tool built on OpenTelemetry. It offers tracing, metrics, and a playground to debug and improve LLM apps. Supports 20+ integrations like OpenAI, LangChain, and exports data to your existing observability tools

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More About Openlit

OpenLIT: Open-Source LLM & GenAI Observability Tool

OpenLIT is an OpenTelemetry-native application observability tool designed for connecting Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI with ease.

Key Features

  • Open-source: Free to use and modify
  • OpenTelemetry-native: Seamless integration with existing projects
  • Easy integration: Simple setup with openlit.init()
  • Granular usage insights: Analyze LLM, Vectordb & GPU performance and costs
  • Real-time data streaming: Immediate visualization for quick decision-making
  • Low latency: Fast data processing without impacting application performance
  • Visualization tools: Explore costs, token consumption, and user interactions
  • Multiple integrations: Connect with popular observability platforms

Use Cases

  • Monitor LLM application performance
  • Optimize GPU usage and costs
  • Analyze token consumption patterns
  • Track user interactions with AI models
  • Integrate with existing observability stacks


OpenLIT is an open-source project, available for free.

For Teams

  • Collaborate on GitHub
  • Access comprehensive documentation
  • Join the community on Slack, Twitter, GitHub, and Discord
  • Contribute to the project's development

GitHub Repository | Documentation