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Aster KeyStart your mortgage anonymously

Start a home loan anonymously with our ultra-secure app. Get lender-ready and connect with privacy-focused lenders without revealing personal information. Product Hunters are tech leaders—perfect for exploring Aster Key to protect friends and family's data!

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More About Aster Key

Aster Key: Secure Your Financial Future


Aster Key is a revolutionary mobile app that empowers you to anonymize, organize, and encrypt your financial data directly on your mobile phone. Acting as your own credit agency, Aster Key allows you to securely and instantly apply for mortgages or home equity loans without ever filling out an unsafe loan application again.

Key Features

  • Anonymize Financial Data: Strip personally identifiable information and store it separately.
  • Secure Storage: Data is encrypted and stored on your mobile device, not on servers.
  • Instant Loan Applications: Apply for loans securely and anonymously with participating lenders.
  • Financial Statements: Generate ultra-secure financial statements and proof of funds letters.
  • Continuous Updates: Your financial profile updates for life, saving you time and keeping your data safe.

Use Cases

  • Anonymous Loan Applications: Start and complete loan applications without exposing your personal data.
  • Financial Health Dashboard: Access a comprehensive dashboard to assess and manage your financial health.
  • Proof of Funds: Generate and share proof of funds letters securely.
  • Data Control: Maintain control over who can see your financial data.


Aster Key offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs:

  • Basic Plan: Free access to essential features.
  • Premium Plan: Monthly subscription for advanced features and priority support.
  • Enterprise Plan: Custom pricing for businesses and large teams.


Aster Key is designed to benefit everyone involved in the lending process:

  • Consumers: Gain control over your data, enjoy faster approvals, and apply for loans anonymously.
  • Lenders: Enhance consumer trust, reduce risks and costs associated with data breaches, and comply with privacy regulations.
  • Society: Prevent digital exploitation, ensure data privacy, and stop unauthorized access to financial data.

Aster Key is transforming the way financial data is managed, making it safer, more efficient, and entirely under your control. Join us in reimagining the future of lending.