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ColdreachFind the best leads with custom intent signals

Coldreach helps sales teams find ready-to-buy leads, by monitoring public signals custom to your product. For example, it can find who's hiring their first accountant, so an accounting automation product can hit them with a targeted message at the right time. Public data sources (job postings, news articles, 10-k reports, etc.) tell a lot about a company’s priorities and the problems it faces. We train AI sales agents to monitor them and find who needs your help and why. Sales teams know who'd thank them for a cold email/call now, and can sound relevant without hrs of manual research. Typically, targeted outreach yields 2-8x higher booking rate compared to random outreach. Example intent signals we track: Bookkeeping automation product: Monitor who starts to hire human to manually enter invoices Compliance product: Monitor who recently onboarded a new Compliance Analyst CRM integrations: Monitor who starts to hire engineers experienced in Salesforce API.

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More About Coldreach

Coldreach - Find Companies That Need Your Solution Now


Coldreach leverages AI to help you find ready-to-buy prospects by monitoring custom signals that matter to your business.

Key Features

  • AI-driven custom buying signals
  • Fine-grained ICP filters
  • Integration with 10+ data sources
  • Monitoring of 70M+ companies
  • Personalized lead recommendations

Use Cases

  • Identifying companies hiring for specific roles
  • Tracking companies with recent data breaches
  • Monitoring HR initiatives for employee satisfaction
  • Finding companies with specific tech stack requirements
  • Analyzing job postings and company news


Coldreach offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your business needs. Contact us for a detailed quote and to find the best plan for your team.


Coldreach is designed to support sales and marketing teams by providing them with the most relevant and timely leads. Our AI-driven platform ensures that your SDRs and sales teams can focus on high-value prospects without spending hours on manual research.