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AskJackSimplify how your employees find answers

Say goodbye to knowledge silos with instant AI-powered answers from all your business apps. Reduce repetitive questions IDC and McKinsey estimate that 20-30% of an employee's time is spent looking for information. Reduce the number of repetitive questions your teams receive and increase their productivity. From HR with onboarding, to IT with password resets, AskJack can help. Increase Productivity No more waiting for answers. Employees can get the information they need, when they need it. Improve Operations Keep everyone on the same page with instant access to standard operation procedures. Banish Knowledge Silos Make accessing information from all your business apps as easy as asking a question. For teams of all sizes across. Human Resources, IT, help desks, customer services, legal, and more benefit.

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AskJack by Crafted Labs

Say Goodbye to Siloed Knowledge

Key Features

  • Faster Onboarding: Streamline the onboarding process with instant access to company policies and procedures.
  • Reduce Repetitive Questions: Save time by reducing the number of repetitive questions employees ask.
  • Banish Knowledge Silos: Make accessing information from all your business apps as easy as asking a question.
  • Increase Productivity: Provide employees with the information they need, when they need it.
  • Improve Operations: Keep everyone on the same page with instant access to standard operation procedures.

Use Cases

  • Human Resources: Help your HR team onboard new employees faster with instant access to company policies, benefits, and more.
  • Operations: Ensure everyone has access to standard operation procedures.
  • Help Desks: Enable employees to get the information they need without waiting.
  • IT: Allow your IT team to focus on more important tasks than repetitive queries.
  • Customer Service: Support your teams with rapid access to FAQs, support docs, and other resources.
  • Legal: Quickly find specific clauses in contracts and align with Customer Success.


AskJack offers flexible pricing plans tailored to your business needs. Contact us to schedule a demo and get a customized quote.


AskJack was built to break down knowledge silos and empower teams across your organization. By integrating with your business apps and using AI, AskJack provides instant answers, ensuring everyone is on the same page and can access the information they need.