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ZavataAutomate Hiring with AI Interviewer

We are still a work in progress. Some links might be broken and have no redirects. We are still building this. You can check our dashboard in the try demo for now. If you want to stay updated as we progress, you can email us here: [email protected] Zavata is an AI-driven recruitment tool designed to streamline the hiring process by conducting automated interviews. It leverages smart AI technology to optimize the recruitment journey for both the employer and candidate. Zavata's features include automated scheduling, AI-powered interviewing, and real-time feedback. Its scheduling module allows a seamless and efficient interview arrangement process, adapting to varied time zones. The AI-powered interviewing component, known as the Smart Interview Assistant (SIA), conducts real-time, interactive interviews, providing a unique and engaging experience for each candidate. After each interview, Zavata provides instant, data-driven feedback and analysis to aid the hiring process. The platform offers detailed reports and performance metrics to enable informed hiring decisions. It seamlessly integrates with an existing Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and other HR tools, which ensures a smooth data flow while maintaining the workflow. The SIA offers a personalized interviewing experience, aiming to make candidates feel respected. The Zavata system also flags any potential bias or unnoticed cheating, providing reliable assessments. The tool can be tailored to meet specific hiring requirements, from custom interview questions to personalized evaluation criteria.

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