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ECPower Segment ManagementA digital reality of customer journey map for DTC brands

A completely new idea of CRM for DTC brands and Shopify merchants. Manage customers by behavior segment, track population and revenue daily. Transform your envisioned 'customer journey map' into digital reality, discover better path to profitable segment.

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More About ECPower Segment Management

ECPower | Segments Management & Customer Journey Insights

Maximize lifetime value with customer behavior insights.

Key Features

  • Manage Customer Journey: Transform your envisioned 'Customer Journey Map' into a digital reality with our tool. Enjoy intuitive management and monitoring of your customer's journey at every step.
  • Manage Customer Segments: Transform your 'list' into a reusable and portable resource across various tools. Organize your segments just like files in folders, enhancing accessibility and efficiency.
  • Build Segments with Recipes: Jumpstart your segmentation with over 20 proven strategies, including RFM, cross-buying behavior, customer acquisition, follow-up purchases, and more.
  • Gain Deeper Insights into Segments: Easily discover the most popular products, channels, and tags. Break them down by Nth, Month, or Repurchase Counts.
  • Track Growth and Revenue Daily: Track the daily progress and historical performance of your segments. Evaluate the revenue generated by segments to gauge the success of your campaigns.
  • Sync Segments with Any Tools: Segments in ECPower are automatically synced with assigned Shopify Customer Tag. You can find it on every tool connected with Shopify.
  • Know Your Customer Behavior Deeper: Dive into granular insights on customer behaviors and preferences. Analyze their actions to enhance engagement and drive targeted strategies.

Use Cases

  • Entrepreneurs: Validate ideas through customer behavior.
  • Marketers in charge of acquisition: Optimize customer acquisition from a CLV perspective.
  • Marketers in charge of repeat purchase: Sharpen strategies for repeat conversion.
  • Marketers in charge of CRM: Digitalize your customer journey map.
  • Marketing teams with various tools: Realize collaboration on unified segments.
  • Innovative omnichannel merchants: Sharpen the focus of your omnichannel marketing.
  • Daily necessities stores: Help you reach out at the perfect moment.
  • Apparel stores: Nurture online customers as loyal as offline's.
  • Luxury items and gift stores: Remind customers at key moments.
  • Stores with a wide range of SKUs: Grasp customers at the level of “selling floor”.
  • Cross-border merchants: Adapt to different behaviors across regions.


Our Pricing Policy is: Charge for the Power of Segmentation. We charge based on Active Customers - placed order within last 12 months.

  • Free: Free Forever, All Stores, All Features, Max 5 Segments
  • Paid: $80/month, Active Customer Size: up to 100,000, All Features
  • Enterprise: Contact us! Active Customer Size: 100,001+, All Features


ECPower is loved by customer-driven marketing teams. With over 2M+ active customers retained, 5K+ segments managed every day, and 250+ growing merchants trusting us, ECPower is the go-to solution for managing all segments in one place. Transform your 'list' into a reusable and portable resource across various tools, enhancing accessibility and efficiency.